Federal Programs
The Federal Programs Department is charged with overseeing the district's Federal funding, typically known as Title Funds. This department works closely with the Federal Government and district offices including the Treasurer, Student Services, Curriculum, and Technology departments to ensure the district gets as much Federal funds as we are entitled and they are put to best use.
Federal Programs Allocations
Title I: K-4 Buildings
Title I Schoolwide Funds provides financial support for our K-4 buildings to support students in areas of literacy and math. It also provides funding for family engagement events that brings families and students together.
Improve teaching and learning using evidence-based strategies proven to positively impact student learning.
- Staff supporting literacy & math
- Professional learning for staff
- Work with students to meet grade-level learning targets
- Engage parents in school community
Title I funds supplement students' regular classroom learning.
Title II: Professional Learning for Staff
Title III: Supports for English Learners
Students entering our school system come from varied backgrounds, circumstances, and educational experiences. Some are immigrants while others are native-born Americans whose native and/or dominant language is a language other than English. Some have participated in extensive formal education in their native language while others have had their education delayed or interrupted. And, some students have never had any formal education in their native language.
Given these varied educational experiences, students coming to our schools possess a wide range of language competencies in both their native language and English. English Learner (EL) instructional services will be provided within the school district.
Sidney City Schools English Learners Program & Procedures
Title IV: Support for Student Wellness & Technology
Title IX: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities
For more information on Federal Programs allocations or to share comments, email Greg Snyder, Director of Operations & Federal Programs.
Family & Community Engagement
Sidney City Schools is committed to strengthening the school community through partnerships between parents, students, the school, and the community. The role of the Family & Student Engagement Coordinators is to bridge these groups together through various activities, events, and programs.
One of the ways Sidney City Schools is working strengthen the school community is through our Parent University. Parent University is a partnership between families and Sidney City Schools in which parents and guardians are invited to join our community of learners. The goal of Parent University is to provide learning opportunities for parents to better understand ways to support their students’ academic success and personal well-being. We welcome parents and families to engage in various activities and events to explore topics related to mental health, well-being, equity and inclusion, and academics. Parent University will be a combination of workshops and presentations, all centered around students and families with the purpose to grow together and prepare everyone for success.
Title I Resources
Family Engagement Events
Reading Under the Lights was a school and community event for Sidney families with students in grades K-4. Families enjoyed a meal and received a cinch sack of activities including a book and a blanket for reading under the stadium lights at the football field.
Northwood Intermediate teamed up with Shelby County Libraries and the Historic Sidney Theatre for an interactive movie family night!
Families enjoy crafts and activities centered on the One School One Book selection "The Chocolate Touch."
Federal Programs Department
750 S. Fourth Avenue
Sidney, OH 45365
Greg Snyder
Director of Operations & Federal Programs