Board of Education
It is the responsibility of the Board to employ a qualified Superintendent and Treasurer; it is the responsibility of these two employees to operate the school district.
Board Members
- Bob Humble, District Superintendent
- Michael Watkins, District Treasurer
- Zack Bosslet, Board President
- Greg Dickman, Board Vice President
- Laurie Kimmel
- Nicki New
- Stephanie Wilson
Meeting Calendar
Board of Education - Basement; 750 S. Fourth Avenue
L-R: Stephanie Wilson, Zack Bosslet, Greg Dickman, Laurie Kimmel, Nicki New
The Board of Education consists of five elected and one standing member, that being the district Treasurer. Normally these elected positions are for a four-year term and staggered every two years, meaning that three positions are up for election one year and the remaining two are elected two years later. Each term begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st.
Meeting dates are set for the year during the Organizational Meeting or the first meeting of the year. The Organizational Meeting date is set at the December board meeting.
There is a common misconception that the Board of Education is highly involved in the daily operation of the school district, however, that is not the case. It is the responsibility of the Board to employ a qualified Superintendent and Treasurer; it is the responsibility of these two employees to operate the school district. The Board then either approves or disapproves the recommendations of the Superintendent and/or Treasurer. Additionally, the Board serves as an advisor to the Superintendent and Treasurer as well as a conduit to the community.
The Board of Education meets at 6 PM on the third Monday of the month. Board meeting dates/times are subject to change. Meetings are not typically held on national holidays and may fall on the Tuesday following a Monday holiday. Additionally, the board may schedule special meetings, and notices are sent in advance to the local newspaper.
Meeting times, dates, and locations are subject to change; call (937) 497-2200 to verify dates and times or visit BoardDocs to see the monthly meeting schedule.
Agendas and Minutes
Access meeting agendas and minutes beginning December 2018 to present through Board Docs. Older meetings minutes can be obtained by sending a public records request to Mike Watkins at (937-497-2200).
Addressing the Board
The Board of Education is interested in your ideas and concerns. The work session meeting provides an opportunity for public participation, whereby individuals have an opportunity to offer ideas, ask questions, and raise concerns in the public meeting. If you would like to address the Board, here are some suggestions to consider:
Take your concern or idea to the person best suited to address it.
- Meet with the teacher and/or principal; or
- Contact the Superintendent or Treasurer; then
- Call a Board of Education member if you are unsatisfied or feel that your idea or concern was not acknowledged.
If you remain unsatisfied, you may wish to address the entire Board at its work session meeting. This can be done by checking the “Public Participation” box on the sign-in sheet before the meeting begins. You will also need to provide your name and address.
During the Public Participation portion of the meeting, you will be asked to step to the microphone to present your topic. Please keep in mind there is a three-minute limit for each speaker. Presenters are always welcome to provide handouts or other materials.
Public Participation is not a dialog or discussion between the speaker and the Board. It is an opportunity for you to present any ideas or concerns to the Board in a public forum. The Board will not debate the merits of your position; they will respectfully listen to your presentation.
You can expect the Board President to respond to your presentation through one or more of the following steps:
- Ask the Superintendent or a member of the Administration to follow up with you
- Refer your concern to a committee of the Board for further study
- Set a date for further follow-up or review
- Acknowledge that your concern may not be able to be addressed at the present time
- Thank you for your input and interest
You are also welcome to write to the Board in C/O Sidney City Schools at 750 S. Fourth Avenue, Sidney, OH 45365.